Terms & Conditions

I would like my child/myself/client to participant in trampolining and understand there is an element of risk. No liability will be accepted. in respect of injury, loss or damage caused whilst attending.

MEDICAL EXCLUSIONS FOR TRAMPOLINING are: Detaching retina, spinal rods and brittle bones, and pregnancy. Participants with with Downs Syndrome require a form to be completed by the doctor prior to participating.

The club offers Weekly term time sessions and holiday sessions. All fees paid are as stated and non-refundable.

Code of Practice

For the safety of all the following rules must be observe, please read carefully

  1. Participants must wear sports clothes or leotards with socks or trampoline shoes on their feet. Trainers will need to be worn for the session warm up.
  2. No jeans, hooded tops, crop tops or clothes with buttons or zips to be worn on the trampoline.
  3. Hair must be tied back, no jewellery is allowed to be worn (including body piercing) when on the trampoline. 
  4. Those participating must not use mobile phone/other devices during the session.
  5. Parents are asked not to use their phones in the session, if you need to do so please exit the sports hall. If you wish to take video or photos you need to ask permission from the Head/ Lead Coach, it is also expected for you not to get any other children in the video/photo.
  6. All drink bottles must be placed in the drinks bottle holder. Proper sports bottles required to prevent spillages. Under no circumstances are hot drinks to be consumed near the trampoline.
  7. No food is to be consumed throughout your child’s session.
  8. It is requested that at the beginning/end of each session that participants, parents and other volunteers help to put out/away the safety mats only, please inform us if you do not wish to do this.
  9. Only coaches or trained volunteers can put out/away the trampolines.

Safety and spotting

  1. Use the trampoline responsibly and only in the presence of a qualified coach.
  2. Running around, going underneath or swinging on or under the trampoline is not permitted. Running is not allowed at any time in the sports halls other than to warm up at beginning of each session.
  3. All participants are expected to warm up prior to getting on the trampoline and this must consist of a minimum of 10 runs across the sports hall.
  4. Parents are asked not to lift their child on or off the trampoline but to support them to climb up themselves or using their parents leg as a step.
  5. Participants must always sit down on the white bed part of the trampoline bed and roll onto their stomach when getting off the trampoline to prevent falling off or tripping up at the edge of the trampoline.
  6. If your child is under 8 you will be required to stay in the session, you will be asked to stand by the trampoline and spot for your child for safety reasons. This rule does not apply on Day courses in holidays as we know how many are attending and can organise accordingly.
  7. All parents who wish to remain by the trampoline during the session must refrain from standing on the safety mats unless they are spotting for their own child.
  8. Whilst spotting parents are asked to focus on the safety of their child, paying attention when they are on or standing by the trampoline. Younger children are not to be held in parents arms as they need to be free to catch or support their child if they venture too close to the edge of the trampoline.
  9. We strongly suggest younger children who are not participating are not brought to the session as are a distraction and can become dangerous. If it is absolutely necessary we expect them to be in a pushchair or to sit quietly with an activity to do.
  10. All those participating in the session must remain by and stand by the trampoline at all times. Children who continually move away from the trampoline when they should be spotting may be asked to miss a go as not ready for their turn on the trampoline or leave the session if it is not suitable for them.
  11. Only participants old enough to spot, the participant’s parent and the coach can be on the safety mats next to the trampoline at any one time. If for any reason parents are unable to spot for their child, it is THEIR responsibility to ensure that another adult or appropriate height child is available to perform this task during their child’s allotted time. This is not the responsibility of the coaches present and failure to comply could result in the child being removed from the lesson.

I will ensure my child is at the session and collected from the session on time. I will make sure my child knows to only leave the sports hall when I have arrived.

If my child is allowed to leave the sports hall to meet me or allowed to walk home from the session I will make them aware of this and this is my responsibility